the greatest musical group to ever exist. EVER. Its masterfully played by two guys with a microphone and a whole lotta bud.
Hanz: Dude, have you heard of Quit Eating My Quails?

Max: Fuck yeah bro!! best band ever!!!!!!

Hanz: totally man. wanna go hang out at an elementary school?

Max: You know me so well.
by AcurledUpCheeto! September 1, 2010
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When a man grabs the base of their scrotum making it look like a quail that has had all of the feathers plucked off of it.
by werd-smith January 30, 2019
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One who at work will forage in the undergrowth of desks searching for uneaten lunches etc.
"Where has my lunch gone?... It must have been a Phillip the Quail.
by Funky_008 March 20, 2007
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