Manser Luther King is the only white guy who fought for nigga's rights. For doing this he is considered God. Now Manser Luther King lives in a small town in Italy and works for the mafia
Remember Manser Luther King!? He is God!
by Religionigga May 18, 2019
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He is that one kid that will be mean to u with out regret but is actually a nice person when u and him get to become very close friends. he is also kinda cute so watch out for his "look". He could also be funny sometimes but thats for the special people only. He's the type of person that would like to face time people for no reason then just talk to them about the dumbest things because of his boring life style, also likes avocados and mil which makes him a very thicc and healthy boii. some may also call him "mr.STHICK-O"
"Luther Graven ur kinda mean but i know that we are friends"
"Luther Graven is soo mean but he's kinda cute so eh"
by TanglyOwl October 23, 2019
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fucks other dude's girls

source: johnluther0 on twitter
guy 1: did u bang her, bro?

guy2: yup i totally pulled a john luther!
by rayanpal_ December 1, 2020
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Manser Luther Bing, is an immortal human being born in 1900.
He fought in WW1, WW2 and he predicted WW3.
He survived COVID-19 due to is immortality powers.
One night he had a dream.
I’d like to be like Manser Luther Bing one day.
by Esleslee April 19, 2020
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A big baller. Probably has a Big juicy penis. Has soft hair and is a sussy baka. And he loves when girls finger him. Will trade if you ask. And either has a BBC or a Mixed penis.
That Luther put my girl to pound town last night with his BBC.
by Pussyblaster96 October 31, 2021
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When someone protests the viewpoints of individuals hosting an enclosed event by adhering counter-propaganda, counterpoints, or transgressions against those viewpoints to the main entrance of the event’s enclosure.
When Michael J. Knowles was invited by the YAF club to speak at the University at Buffalo, the socialist club Luthered the venue in support of transgender students.
by Ancient Modern March 9, 2023
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The stinkiest fool to ever exist. Usually referred to as “doo doo man” and fills the room with a musty stench. Also known to poop himself on night outs.
Someone - “Oh damn why has this party suddenly got really depressing and stinky”

Me - “ aw shit that’s Luther, the skank
by Necila September 1, 2022
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