Noun. Is typically used for St. Louis Blues defenseman, Colton Parayko. Describes one who may injure a goalie with an intense slap shot.
“Hey man did you see what happened to Bishop in game 6 against the Dallas Stars?”

“No what happened?”
“Goalie Killer Struck him with his insane slap shot. Bishop took it and had to leave the ice.”
“Damn... the Bruins should watch out for the Blues while they have him then.”
“Yeah... I call Blues in 6.”
by DontTouchMyMayo June 5, 2019
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A person with goals
;defender of goals with agile flexibility
;goal inspired
;true resilience
I’m a Goalie Mind!

You focus like a Goalie Mind!
by GoalieMind April 11, 2021
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A person with goals
;defender of goals with agile flexibility
;goal inspired
;true resilience
I’m a Goalie Mind!

You focus like a Goalie Mind!
by GoalieMind April 11, 2021
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somebody who puts they’re heart and soul into the game. Specifically the person who blocks all of the shots. Goalies are the runner of the place, the kings. They do everything for their team so they don’t lose. they don’t care if they get hurt, they’ll still play. Like the other night when I had a hockey game, my knee got so messed up I was sure I couldn’t play but we won after that. The worst part about being a goalie is you get blamed for losses even though your only supposed to block the first shot other then that your d-men need to clear it from the crease
“Woah! That goalies doing really good out there, good on him.”
by that hockey goalie!! November 20, 2022
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Interference by a third party when your attempting to get laid.
It was hitting in this chick when her "knob goalie" friend showed up.
by drilldoe November 30, 2013
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A goalie who stands near at the opposing teams' goal; most likely because their teammates will pass it to them, which is a good spot to score.
Jack: "Pass me you fuckwit, I am counter-goaly(ing)."

Tariq: "Ok you ibn al sharmoota, here!"

Tariq passes to jack who is a counter-goalie

Jack scores it

by Najzi December 3, 2021
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I was getting along really well with this girl at the party, but her bezzie kept being a massive fanny goalie.
by Snapbackchat February 9, 2016
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