The most sweet and amazing person in the whole world. Funny, handsome, smart, caring, and just all around amazing. Anyone who gets to even be in the same room as this person is lucky.
“Wow how could someone possibly be that amazing?” “He’s carter that’s how”
by Chickenatttackk November 3, 2017
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Geyy boii that eats BBC. He will steal ur moms dog tho. ;)
by Itsyerboii raja January 24, 2019
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nono man is a big big man when he is really small big brain
by ogaboogadoogayeet December 5, 2019
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Carter is the greatest friend you will ever meet, he’s shy but once u get to know him he’s really cool.
Guy1: dang that’s a cool guy

Guy2: yep, his name is carter
by friccboi420 August 3, 2018
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Carter has blonde hair and blue eyes. Carter is extremely athletic and has a good sense of style even though he does not put a lot of effort in. He is hot in backwards caps and army pants, but not in zip-up hoodies. Carter is a unique person. he is the most popular jock in school, but acts odd most of the time. Carter is very huggable and kind. Do not let hi get away from you without a hug, or you will regret it. If you have a Carter in your life, you are lucky. Go get him.
Girl "Carter is an odd child."
Girl 2 "Ya, but he is so cute and huggable."
by klasjdkuwaefjawnf October 16, 2020
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