The act of managing to crap in a bottle or narrow container on a road trip.
Whoo it stanks in here, did you dirty neck slip joe?
by Yo ya October 24, 2010
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Conversation that accidentally says “slip slap nigga goose”: slip slap nigga goose”

Jojo stan: is that a jojo reference?!?!
by steven pharmer October 21, 2020
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The language that politicians use to slide around facts and reality.
Our rules and regulations are designed for the benefit of slip tongued politicians and their closest personal friends.
by Skeptical21 November 2, 2021
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when you send the wrong emoji. or an emoji that you meant to send to someone else.
I sent my ex-wife the smiling emoji with hearts for eyes, I meant to send it to my current girlfriend. That was quite an emojian slip...
by brosef dudeman March 28, 2019
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When u eat a lot of greasy Pizza Hut, then the next day take a shit, but the shit is so greasy you accidentaly stick your finger in your butt.
Hey honey, smell my finger I just had The Pizza Hut slip

Johnny returned from the bathroom with a violated look on his face

Friend: Hey buddy, What happened?

Victim: I had The Pizza Hut slip
by Vice420 June 13, 2021
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In psychoanalysis, a jerry slip is an off branch of the Freudian slip, and refers to the miscalculation of a physical action that occurs due to the calling of nature.
"Did you hear about that one year 8 boy who took a dump off the high ropes at camp?"
"Yeah, call that a Jerry slip."
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when a transgender person who hasn't realized their identity, slips up, so to speak, and refers to themselves as their actual identity
Person 1: Ugh, women shouldn't do things like that, right man?
Person 2: Why shouldn't I be able to do that?
Person 1: But you're a man...
Person 3: Did I just catch an egg slip???
by caspertheUFO August 19, 2022
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