When you nut in a bread dough and bake it.
Person 1: I just made orgasm bread

Person 2: That is disgusting
by I has 2 arms June 22, 2020
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The moment when you realise that you are an absolute fucking genius and smarter than albert einstein
random don 2: wow he must be having a knowledge orgasm
by nathan rice son of rufus September 24, 2022
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orgasming with a group of 3 or more people therefore a resulting orgasmication is achieved.
fucking hell lads theres so many girls here tonight i may try having a go with and orgnasmication.
by grime factor 5 April 24, 2005
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A Bluetooth orgasm is from the show “Dave” and it is when you can make yourself ejaculate without the use of physical touch.
Jim’s girlfriend wouldn’t have sex with him so he had to Bluetooth orgasm.
by The Dirty Love Burger April 27, 2020
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When you dick her down so fast and forcefully that the momentum of your penis thrusts against her stomach and she vomits everywhere.
How did the date go last night?
Fantastic. I juiced up so much that when I was ramming her cheeks I just kept getting faster and stronger until she Korean Orgasmed all over herself
by Jibbletlover99 December 3, 2019
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When your girlfriend'S clit is really sensitive and you rub it to piss her off.
"I can't believe you kicked me in the balls. Prepare your vagina, for I will seek a revenge orgasm"
"Oh no!"
by Revengeorgasm December 21, 2016
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An intense feeling of pride typically experienced by a musician after playing something very satisfying on an instrument
'Damn! Did you see the look of orgasmic pride on Mike's face after he played that lick?'
'His Face contorted with orgasmic pride'
by Orgasmic Pride May 1, 2020
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