Wow! Trove is Pay to Win too??
by GamenMetFreaks January 20, 2017
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"Pay-to-win" or "P2W", is a pejorative term for a game that offers any advantage that can be obtained faster or exclusively via commercial transactions over gameplay rewards or the impact of the player's own performance.

This market practice is seen negative because it destroys the sportiveness of games, rewarding mediocre players who look for an easy way to beat the competition or the challenge, instead of promoting fair play.

Imagine, for example, an Archery competition where the archers could optionally buy the right to use laser-dot scope aims in their bows Every archer would look to exploit that artificial advantage, instead of actually improving themselves at the sport.
"I dont play pay-to-win games. It's a waste of effort and I rather use the money to buy real games".
by reedestofreeds July 19, 2022
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They better f-in win today!!
Can’t believe we’re in a “must win situation
by Rev. Blood Green 🌳🦅💚 October 28, 2018
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Girl: omg he's such a chad and such a nay myo win !! <333
by asruby September 27, 2022
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The sentience of “I can’t win from losing” is a statement of when things go repeatedly wrong in an individuals life (losing), and even when things continuously goes wrong they can never catch a break.
Friend #1: Wow, So you lost your job and your wife?
Friend #2: Yea, I was fired and Susan left me
Friend #3: Dang you can’t win from losing.
by Zebracakesaresatire May 14, 2023
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A strategy in racing games (and actual motorsport) where you rely on other people being bad at the game, and not making mistakes, to win. Usually involves not pushing a car to its limits.
Person 1: 4th place
Person 2 and 3: crash each other off the track
Person 4: gets a penalty for cutting
Person 1: now in 1st place
"Slow and steady wins the race boys"
by Romie_777 November 23, 2022
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Win rate is usually use in a game and I'm sure who's reading this have 50 percent win rate
I have a win rate of 69.42 in a game
by Win rate August 26, 2022
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