when one’s conscious abilities are altered into delirium due to oodles (a great quantity) of alcoholic beverages.
to slip the turnip ex. “God! Zoe really slipped the turnip when she started throwing cuscus out the apartment window in Morocco.”
by Dolores Harrell July 27, 2022
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The amount of times a dick falls out of a vagina, usually because it's small like Riley O'Connell.
What is your slip factor Isabel?
by Shakira lalagavesi August 17, 2017
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When you've started showering but then get the need to shit so you step out mid shower and very slipperly sit on the throne. It's a wipe free situation as you will rejoin the shower just after... one of life's sweetest treats
F: can I get in the bathroom
M:Sorry hun, gimme t mins
F: why? Your in the shower
M: yeah that taco got the best of me so I've had to take a tactical slip n go. I'll be back in the shower in 3 mins
by Slipngo April 2, 2021
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An accident where a person is trying to have vaginal intercourse, aimed wrong, and either impacts or inserts their member or toy into their partner's anus. -NR
Our evening of sex was ruined when I gave them the Freudian Slip. They were very uncomfortable after that point.
by ConW August 25, 2023
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The unintentional, but yet intentional act of putting it in her ass.
sorry babe! it was just a Freudian Slip.
by ^^!$#@ April 3, 2021
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Where one drunkenly ejaculates on the floor and waits for their partner to slip on the floor, landing on their face, then, while their partner is bleeding on the floor, they proceed to buttfuck them till loss of consciousness.
Trevor just Duncan Slip N' Slided Shaquila last night!
by Cpt. Fuckbucket April 16, 2016
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The Slip Slap is when a male while receiving head (perferably while standing) slips his cock out of the mouth and slaps the female in the face.
"Dude, the other night i did the Slip Slap on a girl and she actually enjoyed it."
by Pinokatoke August 7, 2012
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