Something or someone that is ratchet and dirty.
by Manning10 September 4, 2013
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An adjective/noun to describe alternative types that move to West Cork in Ireland in search of a more holistic, bucolic lifestyle but end up as unwashed, undereducated burnouts who think the odds are stacked against them but, in reality, they are man-children who fail to acknowledge that their own actions have consequences
Man 1: that hippi young wan that moved to Ballydehob from the UK is a proper crusty - she always smells like a sack of turpentine
by $Piderman2099 December 26, 2020
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A dirty person with a dog who took the rebellion thing a little too seriously.

Their hobbies typically include: freight train hopping, dumpster diving, asking you for money, and smoking crack.
See that junkie in the Amebix shirt with the incredibly large backpack? He's what we like to call a crusty. He probably ran away from home because his parents wanted him to go to college.
by fhihihug January 18, 2014
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Ben is a dumbass for thinking it means mad
Ben your crusty
by Kaleb Hartley February 21, 2020
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A term of endearmentused jokingly when with friends!
Lauren you are so crusty! Love u!
by STFP December 3, 2015
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