An insult telling the subject to hang him self until the feet touch the grass. The etymology is from the country and western song, Green, Green Grass of Home
His comment on Reddit bothered me and so rather than make a reasoned comment, I told him to touch grass.
by GG1000 April 9, 2022
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A phrase you would say to somebody who has lost touch with reality
Person A: "Bro, look at this picture of Nick Wilde. I'd let him hit any day

Person B: "Touch grass man, god why are you like this."
by GreenPlad April 20, 2022
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The vigina hairs of a woman
Also a way to make fun of slutty Mexicans
the grass in you front lawn is so nice

Jesus you spend more time mowing her lawn than all your jobs combined
by Jabae24 December 7, 2016
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Its gas light buy with weed

you are tricking a person changing there outlook because they are smoking weed
by mushroomjoint November 22, 2022
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The greatest band to ever play music.
Spooklirious- "I just went to a Bullet Ploof Grass concert, it was great."

Monocle Gentle Sir- "Were you able to buy a calendar?"
by Squeeeeeeps April 30, 2023
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Another Word For An Illegal Immigrant
A Fat Mexican Who Cannot Hop The Fence To America
Therefore Must Crawl Under The Fence To Get To His/Her Destination
Mex 1: Common Essa Hop Over Before The La Migara Show Up!
Mex 2: Holmes I'm To Fat For This Stuff!
Mex 1: I Got An Idea! Go Under The Fence!!
Mex 2: Good Idea Holmes !!
Mex 1: Runn!!

Mex 2: Yeah Man!! I Wonder If We Could Make A Word Out Of That??
Mex 1: Grass Belly!!
by Timmy Tumm November 8, 2011
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Someone that NONE stop play games whitout going out . We say that he never touch grass.

Or ''BRO he never touchs grass !!!''

We use this expression in video games
Exemple of Never touch grass :

Bedwars player 2: I KNOW BE CARFUL

*Sweat killed Bedwars player 1*
*Sweat killed Bedwars player 2*

Bedwars player 2: BRO ANNOYING
Sweat : OHOHOHOHOH HEHEHEH mad cuz bad L L noob im sweating on new players ahahaha

Bedwars player 1: BRO like actually go touch grass kid you no life kid wanna be sweat
Sweat : Don't care

*Sweat fell into the void*

Bedwars player 2: LOL WANNA BE SWEAT L
Bedwars player 1: EZ EZ EZ

*Bedwars player 1 and 2 wins the game*

Story made by me ;) thats why guys never sweat and go touch grass and go to school. :)
by A sweaty Roblox player March 30, 2023
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