To make a game-changing play, or series of plays.
"B-Lav went yack town dropping all those 3-pointers."
by AZWebster January 13, 2012
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To wake up so hungover you can't decide if you need to shit or yack, that it's usually happens simultaneously.
"Man, I don't know If I have to shit or yack. I just shit-yacked."
by Violently hungover November 30, 2013
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verb (i) usually vulgar: to speak for the purpose of one's one pleasure rather than one's audience; verbal masturbation.

Note: frequently accompanied in colloquial conversation by the "masturbation" hand gesture (vulgar)

Ex: After a half hour of ranting, it seems the Fox News commentator does not want to participate in a free exchange of ideas; all he wants to do is yack off.

See also:

Yack Off (n): one who continually yacks off

Ex: That Fox News commentator is a real yack off.
Ex: After a half hour of ranting, it seems the Fox News commentator does not want to participate in a free exchange of ideas; all he wants to do is yack off.
by Col Senf February 23, 2014
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When a woman is bent over yacking and the dude is behind her beating it up loving it cause every time she retches her muscles contract squeezing his cock!
To many shots! Bitch you take home from the bar but she is fucked up... But you don't want to waste you're opportunity so you bend her over and she starts yacking... Yack in da box!!!!!
by Vodka Joe November 17, 2013
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The skilled art of imbibing additional copious amounts of alcohol after vomiting alcohol consumed earlier. This exercise is frequently performed by a subject when trying to emphasize his ability to consume large quantities of alcohol over a lesser skilled, inferior opponent who is irrationally verbally confident of his drinking ability.. Often, this action is performed without the knowledge of the inferior opponent or onlookers as this may diminish the initial celebratory festivities that follow the defeat of the opponent.
-Yo B! Dayam it took you 3 bottles of crown to take out that foo that was talking shit the other night.. How’d you do it?
-Yack and come back cause that’s how we roll! AND I got pics of that foo barfing in the trash crying his sorry eyes out
-That’s tight!
by deux December 31, 2009
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when u light a girls vag hair on fire and put it out with semen
I gave Patty a flaming yack pocket yesterday
by Simmerly505 January 26, 2010
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Its so hot today that my undies are full of ball yack!
by blastoff91 October 20, 2011
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