
Suprised you guys don't have this. Happy to be submitting it certainly won't take credit for it though. When you don't want to be an asshole and say 'Za'.
Yo Phil, call Dominos and grab a couple Wheels.

Yo, you wanna grab a couple wheels??


by Leafluvr March 23, 2014
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ugo has wheels !

"ugo a des roues!!!"

wheels of a monster truck.. :)
by veroaskdnoakn November 11, 2010
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it's kinda like owned .. except worse!
that tsunami disaster... that was an outright wheeling. those countries didn't get owned, they got WHEELED.

"What a WHEELING!"
by munson February 18, 2005
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A nickname given to a person who through generally oafish, apish and neanderthal-like behaviour appears almost to be mentally retarded. As would be expected a social ineptitude accompanies this. A wonderfully agile mind may well be hiding beneath the surface but the outward appearance and demeanour means the recipient would not seem out of place pushing themselves along in a wheelchair, wearing a safety helmet and screeching at the top of their voice: "WHEEEELS!"
After meeting such a person: "Is wheels autistic?"
Or after going out for dinner: "Why does wheels eat like a caged beast?"
On a night out: "Look at wheels dance, it's the funniest thing I've ever seen!"
by Pedrothebadger July 13, 2006
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The women that cylce through your head when you masturbate.
Man, that chick is hot. She's going on my wheel.
by Me December 19, 2004
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Basically your not dateing but you act like it it's dateing without a title
Dude I'm wheeling Sarah and Emma

Isint that cheating

Nah I'm just wheeling them so it dosent count
by Emipandaloves May 27, 2016
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when two people like each other but the guys doesn't have big even nuts to get up and ask a bitch out
Sadie and Josh are wheeling now!!
by daniiea March 17, 2016
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