Getting shit faced and destroyed at a tailgate, then going home instead of going to the bars.
Man, I got tailgated last night and was out before dark.
by AB33GT October 14, 2018
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Hanging out in a tailgate (whether be tailgating a concert or sports game, or just hanging out) while making great memories to relieve negative feelings and thoughts.
I am in need of some tailgate therapy.

Get the group together for some tailgate therapy.
by AnonPpl April 3, 2018
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Commonly used in Florida to describe sexual relations in which a man forcefully pulls down his partner's pants (similar to the tailgate of a pickup truck, hence the term) and then proceeds to violently assfuck them until they beg for mercy.

When performed properly, this technique is done without any lubrication, and the man must ejaculate in their partner's ass. Rookies often make the mistake of using lube, wearing a condom, or pulling out, which disqualifies this situation as a true "tailgate."
Lester: "Damn Tommy, everybody has been talking about you showing Amanda how to open the tailgate the other night after the party."

Thomas: "What the fuck? I'd never do that. We used a condom dumbass, so I didn't actually open her tailgate!"
by floridajit66 September 21, 2022
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The act of exiting the theme park to meet in the car park for a bring your own prepared lunch because the prices are too high, the lines are long and the quality of food is often poor.
Have a great day kids and I'll see you all at 12pm for some theme park tailgate. Get a pass out at the gate and remember where the car is parked.
by Aussie-bloke December 9, 2013
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when guys take out their erect penises and lay them on a tailgate to measure who has the bigger penis.
Lastnight Jim, Tony, and I had a tailgate test. Jim ended up having the biggest penis. Tony and I have the same size penis. Hey, atleast we tied for last!
by Johnny boy 386 March 5, 2019
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When a group of people get together dressed up as Donald Duck to butt-chug rose in a parking lot
Chad was excited but nervous for his first navy tailgate
by B Slizzy December 8, 2018
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A particularly well trimmed or sculpted version of the “mullet” haircut.
Damn! Look at that fuckin mullet! That’s a straight up tailgate fade. He spent some money on that one.
by radattack February 13, 2021
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