What you say when you're trying to be edgy.
kid: "cum sucking shit fucking cock-juggling thundercunt."
me: "Stop trying to be edgy no one cares."
by Dubiks August 31, 2018
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Whoever said it is automatically right and the recipient is wrong. If multiple people say it, then it acts as a +2 card in uno, it goes to the next person.
Person 1: Fishnets are not appropriate attire for Walmart.
Person 2: Suck my fat cock you dip shit.
by JPMorganJr August 5, 2023
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The action of licking the air while grasping for cocks, but you can't quite reach them.
He says he doesn't want a boyfriend, but in the meantime he's just sucking at cocks.
by Monsterwol October 16, 2017
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Your best answer to any politically correct snowflake telling you that you shouldn't do something you like because it's "offensive/problematic". In another words, because it hurts the fee-fees of the said snowflake. An equivalent to the classic "Go fuck yourself".
"By what metric are these things unacceptable? If the metric is 'I don't like them', the answer is 'Suck my cock'. ... Because THAT is the exact same motivation as you saying to other people 'You shouldn't wear Halloween costumes'. The basis is, you saying 'I don't like it' and my basis for saying you to 'Suck my cock' is 'I DO like it', both of those just based on what we fucking feel like."

Sargon of Akkad, regarding Netflix's infamous series known as "Dear White People".
by Ravaging Madman March 6, 2017
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If the time is on the clock then its time to suck my cock” is a famous quote written by the realest gia. This should be a mock against the offensive “if her age is on the clock then she’s ready for my cock” sentence which is pedophelic.
by gauda slay August 25, 2023
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That is known as an insult to when you make someone really mad
Guy 1: your so ugly

Guy2: go suck a horses cock
by Irregular September 26, 2019
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