A fuckin raunchy bitch who is most likely fat, and drives a bus. She spends her day driving terribly, bottoming out, being late, and almost getting students killed twice in 1 day. She sits at the front of the bus and drives like she owns the damn thing, then thinks it is ok to rear her ugly head, and take a peek into the back while nobody wants to see her face. She might on occasion get students to their school late, then have the nerve to ask them to pick up their trash. Can be determined from other bus driving bitches if she sais G'MORNING!! to every student when they get on, and saying BIEE!! BIEE!! BIEE!! when they get off. Can be subdued by telling her "SHUCHYOUR MOUTH!", or by spraying her in the face with raunch-away (bear mace).
"DUDE! The bus driver bottomed out 3 times today!" "I know man! Shese a FUKIN RAUNCHY BITCH!!!"
by conowitz January 14, 2012
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crude and gross and completely inappropriate male; usually an authoratative figure
My raunchy mcsmutbag boss excepts a burger and blow job as cash payment
by JK 420 March 5, 2008
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When a person farts in the car, locks the doors and rolls up the windows to keep the smell trapped like a gas chamber for passangers.
"She was getting a ride to the store when her sister pulled a raunchy mary on her."
by HottBoXxD_BaBe November 1, 2011
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someones who's ass is crusty , rusty , hairy and unwashed for probably about 10 years
raunchy asshole
by boston bobby March 6, 2014
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When an albino person sprinkles pubes on a black girl and proceeds to lick them off one by one.
Man i gave day-von such a raunchy charlie last night
by somuhnameisbobbay July 19, 2008
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A vechicle that has been used to have dirty sex in.
Tim drives a raunchy scooter.
by Juan Gillema December 10, 2007
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1. A sexual act involving one black person, and one French person. The act starts with the French man getting done in the ass by the black guy doggy-style, then the black guy pulls out and hits the French guy's balls.
1. Latrelle and Marc do all the weird positions, they have even tried the Raunchy Boboi.
by aarwords July 27, 2008
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