Agnes is a beautiful name. Agnes is kind, caring and a great friend. Everyone wants her as a friend, she is very good at football and good at sports, she is athletic and well trained.
- Oh Agnes you are the best!

- Agnes: Thanks! I love you!
by supergirl2004 March 8, 2019
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A sexy rhino with a huge cock and ass. Also very gay.
I have my girl the Agnes special.
by Daddy Drennin December 23, 2020
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“how would you describe agne?”
blonde little bitch
by 4breezy February 15, 2022
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A person with a good personality. He is going to be the greatest football player in history. Hates people who mistake him for a girl and fucks their mother. Has a great body, big muscle, abs etc. If you find a friend like him keep him close. He has a big cock too.
I wish i was like agnes.
That guy looks like agnes.
He has the body of an agnes
by Sbsjein November 27, 2021
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An Agnesis a overall nice girl but if you make her mad she will probably cut your toes off(don´t make her mad). An Agnes is caring, creative, friendly, quiet, a little shy and probably depressed. An Agnes does not have a lot of friends but if you are lucky enough to be one of her friends it will be very nice because an Agnes is very funny and hilarious and full of memes. An agneds probably listens to rock music.
Brandon: Oh damn, do you see that agnes over there?
Jimmy: Yeah, I heard she´s depressed.
Brandon: oh... she still cute tho
by blertaisover August 30, 2018
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