The act of having sex beacause your favorite team won...or lost if you just want to, most of the time on game day.
Boyfriend: Giants won, wanna have Super Bowl Sex?
Girlfriend: Sure!!!
by Urmominbed(: February 6, 2012
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Fun to watch, but doubt I’ll ever remember it.
Tony Romo: That was a fun night. What exactly happened though?
Jim Nantz: Super Bowl 54 happened
by marquiseschuster November 25, 2020
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A day where a bunch of zombies sit down and watch a bunch of hot and sweaty guys slam into each other while fondleling the ball. They do this evey year and it is so big that companies pay a million dollars per ad because they think the watchers will go out and buy a snickers.
Dude did you see those two guys kiss while eating a Snickers bar? It was so homosexial that they had to rip cheat hair off to seem manly during Super Bowl Sunday?
by Renegade from Tacoma February 5, 2012
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The Monday after any given Super Bowl, when all you do is get over your hang-over, and talk about the game.
Person 1: Oh.Em.Gee!!!! Did you see that one play yesterday?!?!?!? The one between the FedEx and UPS commericials? OH EM GEEEEEEE!!! It was RAD!!!!
Person 2: Stfu. I drank every time Da Bears scored, and got pretty hammered. Major hangover. Don't you see it's Super Bowl Monday?
by Jizzle Fo Shizzle February 4, 2007
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1.) A football game that the New Orleans Saints won against the Indianapolis Colts February 7, 2010 in Miami, Florida. The first quarter featured big plays by the Colts. The second quarter consisted of little playtime by Peyton Manning and a few points scored by the Saints. The second half started off with an onside kick performed by the Saints (who also recovered the ball from this kick.) Satan Manning of the Colts scored a touchdown in the third quarter but was shut out for the rest of the game. Drew Brees exploded offensively in the third with a touchdown and a series of wild plays. The winning play was when New Orleans cornerback Tracy Porter picked off a pass from Peyton Manning in the fourth quarter and sprinted 74 yards toward the goal line with 3:12 left in Super Bowl XLIV to help the Saints towards their 31-17 victory.

2.) Once this game was over most Americans realized how much of a choke artist Peyton Manning really is. He always has the top o-line every year, a powerful set of weapons, and the referees on his side most of the time and still blows games. He can only win a Superbowl against a team without a QB. Basically now Tom Brady will always keep his crown as the king of the NFL.

3.) After this game Americans grew tired of getting fed this Peyton Manning bullshit with all of these commercials, ads, and cocksuckings on espn about him.

4.) A fucking awesome game for any New Englander it was great watching that faggot Manning cry.
Colt fan before Super Bowl 44: "yeaaahhhhh were going all the way baby you suck we ave the greatest quarterback ever ahaha you can't stop us!"

Saint fan: "lets just watch this game first I know my boy Drew isn't going to let us down."

Colt fan after Super Bowl 44: "holy shit I can't believe we just lost I'm gonna go cry and then kill myself."

Colt fan before Super Bowl 44: "once Manning wins this game he will be the best ever."

Patriots fan after Super Bowl 44: " Brady would still have more rings even if he won but that fag Manning just lost so he just sucks plain and simple."
by crybabyPeyton February 8, 2010
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Peyton Manning is the most overrated and overhyoed the postseason.

Seriously, how did he get the MVP with these stats: 25/38 (65%, solid), 247 yards (average 6.5 yards a pass, bad), one touchdown (considering he's Peyton fucking Manning, you'd expect more, hell his brother had more touchdowns in his Super Bowl appearance, and Eli is terrible!), one interception, which equates into an 81.7. Normally, that's seen a just meh, but this is Peyton Manning we're talking about, so there's more weight.

Dominic Rhodes ran for 113 yards on 21 carries (5.3 yards a carry, on the Bears defense!) and touchdown, yet he didn't get the MVP?
Don't get me wrong, I was glad Peyton got his ring, since he deserved it. But his victory isn't as good as the media says.

Don't forget, he was playing against an incredibly overrated Bears team that was led by Rex Grossman. If you gave any team two weeks to prepare against that, they're going to crush them.

Overall rating for Super Bowl XLI: 3/10.


-Peyton gets his ring
-Grossman gets raped


-Peyton is one of, if not the, most undeserving MVP in Super Bowl history.
-Rain made the game sloppy.
-06-07 Bears are one of the worst teams to make the Super Bowl.
by david smith, jr. January 30, 2009
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1. The celebration day of the Super Bowl for all Americans and football fans in Asia. The time in which the Super Bowl airs in America is equivalent to the time people in Asia are watching it except the time zones are different by 12 hours, so while the US watches it on Sunday, it is Monday morning in Asia and people there still watch it. Work schedules, though lenient on these days, are still in motion.

2. Basically a Super Bowl hangover when you wake up wondering what happened, who won, and how much you drank. Basically a hangover plus all the Super Bowl stuff.
1. John: "Have a nice Super Bowl Sunday!"
Steve: "You forget that I live in China. We don't have Super Bowl Sunday. We have Super Bowl Monday."
John: "Oh cool! So, you don't have work do you?"
Steve: "Unfortunately, I do. Thanks for reminding me."

2. Brenda: "Want something to drink?"
Tony: "No thanks, I don't want a Super Bowl Monday tomorrow. Too much work."
Brenda: "Yeah. Ain't nobody got time for that!"
by Aintnobodygottimeforthat February 6, 2013
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