Boy bands with electric instruments. People who listen to Pop Punk have never heard real punk bands like The Offspring, or Green Day. Wait a second. They have heard of both bands, unfortuanately both bands have sold out to this disgrace. Darn it all.

BTW, How the hell did Avril Lavigne fall under Punk.
Pop Punk Fan: I went to a B182 concert. I'm so punk.

Me: No you're not. I bet you have never heard of great bands like The Offspring or Green Day.

Pop Punk Fan: Yes I have, I just bought American Idiot.

Me: Oh wait, I forgot. Both bands suck now. I hate idiots who think that pop has a place in punk.

by Okita-Kun September 18, 2005
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Not all people who listen to it only listen to it because they think it makes them "cool" they listen to it because they like how it sounds.

So F you people, they arent all stupid posers. And they don't all think they're hardcore.
by a pseudonym June 17, 2004
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pop punk is shitty little groups called mc-fly, busted and avril fly are pussy fucks with 1 inch penises.they think they arerock, wearing skateboard brands? this is not so. they cannot play there own instruments and are told what to sing by some fat bastard in the virgin records ltd. this needs to stop, listen to the bands that have spend time making there music great. such bands include cradle of filth, spineshank and mudvayne, machine head. ect
look at me mosh mommy to mcfly
look at me mosh to mudvayne
by stafhaan October 8, 2004
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the corporate wroke whore who killed bambi
watch the Great Rock n Roll Swindle
who killed bambi?
by duffin June 22, 2005
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- Blink 182 (their old stuff is punk, everything from their first album onwards is crap)
- New Found Glory
- Good Charlotte
- Simple Plan
- All-American Rejects

among many others.
People call bands like these "pop punk", when in reality, they're mostly just pop with a very slight punk-like sound.

Also, some would call Avril Lavigne pop punk, when in reality, she doesn't even remotely sound like punk at all. She does, however, "dress punk", to the annoyance of those who do listen to punk.
True "pop punk" is actually punk with a slightly softer sound and more melody, such as Millencolin, Dillinger Four, etc, NOT Blink 182...
by golana June 20, 2004
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A fusion genre of pop and punk rock music, combining elements from the genre to create softer subjects of music while keeping the loud and anarchy-inspired noise of the punk rock. Before the 21st Century, it was quite unpopular and unknown to most, but has recently been given more notice by the rise of Warped Tour type bands such as All Time Low and The Wonder Years. Bands such as Green Day and blink-182 helped to popularize this genre and maybe even create it themselves. Pop Punk of this decade, however has been sounding more terrible as it is progressing with the horrible Warped Tour bands mentioned above, as they're turning it into a contradiction, since punk is anti-mainstream and pop is the definition of mainstream music.
Scene Teen: Hayy girl did you hear ATL's new song?
Scene Teen 2: omg yasss I loved it!!
True Punkrocker: If you're gonna listen to pop punk at least don't listen to the shitty type.
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There's a bunch of idiots on here that are shutting all over pop punk, blah blah blah it's an oxymoron we get it, pop punk is basically what the name is, a catcheir, happier, more melodic and sort of poppy version of punk music. The older sort of pop punk bands are Green Day, Blink 182 etc, newer bands include Neck Deep, The Story So Far, State Champs, WSTR, Northbound, ROAM, Columbus etc
Pop punk music has also (unfortunately) merged with the emo music genre, giving us bands such as all time low, my chemical romance and fall out boy. These bands aren't necessarily bad, they just have a large amount of emo kids supporting them, making the crowds and social media fantasies a tad irritating. (Plus, a few of these bands, ATL, FOB, have opted for a lot more of a poppy mainstream sound, making them a lot more pop than punk)
'I'm so excited for Reading Festival this year, there's so many pop punk bands playing'

'Hey dude, you should check out Trash Boat, they're really good. Angsty pop punk plus they're touring soon'
by Anobbrain January 3, 2017
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