Faggy waggy pow wow is a term used to describe gay sex and or to offend others.
Roommate- why don't you and Greg take your faggy waggy pow wow far away from me
by Eric.Eric.Eric.Eric.Dylan March 22, 2018
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A type of twink that displays effeminate characteristics — e.g. clean, bright-colored clothing, shaved skin, animated behavior, or a dash of glitter under the eyes. Said differently, an attractive, youthful male who is unmistakably gay, and typically prefers to bottom.
I met a guy last night who was wrists-down faggy.
by mangang nappo March 1, 2022
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David says to Chris "Ur Mum Gay"
Chris Says To David "Ur Dad Lesbian"
David Says To Chris "Ur Granny Tranny"
'Chris's Face Turns Red And Then Says "ur gran-poppy faggy"
by xnah March 15, 2018
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When a mad scientist constructs a humanoid machine that has no other purpose than to rape faggots in the ass.
"Oh no!!! the Faggy RapeTron is here!!!!"
by HerpyDerpSo September 17, 2023
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Shoving a boot sexually down your throat until you vomit in someone’s anal cavity
Diana and Josh did some faggy gaggy last night.
by Ugandan people April 29, 2018
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