hot hot toad that can be mega sweet but also mega sazer
Maja r u mad rn?
by Lennnnn November 21, 2021
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Maja is a stinking fat cow.
person 1: "damn look at that fat cow".
person 2: "yeah such a Maja".
by BigDaddyD<3 February 6, 2023
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Absolutely ugly and chats bare shit . When it comes to physical fights she backs off cause she can't handle it when people come at her . Can't keep her mouth closed but can't fight and is jealous of everyone .
1-Uno maja?
2-Eww the one that got banged

1-Yh she started beef wiv me

2-You'd be able to beat her up in seconds

1- I know
by Kissmyteeth January 31, 2019
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Probably a math teacher who makes their students’ lives a hell to live, probably gives homework which she doesn’t even check most of the time, probably already got two notices to stop being a teacher, probably would expel a student for not knowing math
Student 1: Oh have you heard of Maja, don’t go to her class it’ll be hell.
Student 2: Judging by others it will be even worse than hell itself.
by Anonymousbaconballs November 21, 2021
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the best friend you could ever have, has the best sense of humour and cares for her friends. she writes 8 page letters about boys who don’t deserve her and has the biggest model energy you’ve ever seen.
random person: omg look at maja she’s so beautiful!
random person 2: yeah i’ve heard she’s been modeling for the fashion week in budapest
by xoxogissipgirl November 23, 2021
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Maja is a gorgeous girl and one of the sweetest, smartest people you'll ever meet. She's probably the best girlfriend ever, and can be bossy but always wants the best for everyone. Date a Maja, she'll rock your world.
"Ay there's Maja"

"Yeah she cool af"
by coolio person 111 April 13, 2022
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Very sweet and beautiful girl. Original and crazy but in a good way. She is also very intelligent and loyal. Perfect girlfriend and friend.
Person: Did you see what Maja did the other day?

Person 2: No, what?

Person: She gave the homeless man her lunch instead of eating it herself!
by Rumpnisse November 26, 2019
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