An extremely annoying term, overused by faggots on 8 Chan or Reddit
Person 1. Wow she's really annoying

Person 2. You know who else is annoying? Ur mum lel

Person 1.....faggot
by d0ve. November 2, 2014
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The one comeback that will end all human existence. This terrifying comeback is only used in the proper context. If used in the wrong hands, death will be between upon u.
Carl: Bro u know, u kinda suck buttchecks
Jim: Yeah? Well ur mum gey lel.

This example was proper
The next example will kill u
Carl: Ur my best friend. Hecking love u man
Jim: Lel ur mum gey
In this case Jim is gonna die.
by heck u December 19, 2018
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lel- a way of saying lol but s a memer
john smith said lel in reply to his other friends text
by PUBZYT November 6, 2017
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lel is the discord version of lol
some dude on discord: dude pp
the other dude: lel
by synthx February 16, 2021
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