When a player smashes a shot at the post on Rocket League, usually because a ball chasing team mate blocked what would've otherwise been a perfect shot
Scotty: He's hit the Lynn and Geoff!

Thornberry: Meeerrr, fuck's sake Chubba. Every time, EVERY TIME!
by Chubba1989 July 14, 2021
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by awstyn July 16, 2021
A fantabulous human with many skills. He is a very important human. If you ever get hold of a geoff its probably lucky cause there is only one of him.
He can put a smile on any llamas face.
Treasure your GEOFF.
Geoff is great friends with everyone and has great friends.
Leandro is his friend and together they will take over america.
Most geoffs live in Australia though.
by ElDickhead December 28, 2017
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Geoff is the stupid little brother of Jeff who is always following him and screaming "MY NAME E GEOFF" at the top his lungs.
Jeff: It's so sad that grandpa is dead
Jeff: You should be the one in that grave
by Jeff with a dead grandpa February 23, 2018
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A very cute boy. He has this super cute smile that makes you smile too. Eye contact with him would make any girls heart flutter! He’s just a boy who I’m deeply Fallen inluvv with yep he’s Geoff the boy and man of my dreams. He’s super loyal and has a good heart. If ever you have someone like him dont ever let him go! For he is a great loss...
by Ambrecious February 1, 2020
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Geoff, diminutive hypocorism (or “pet name”) for Geoffrey which is an English masculine given name, or Geoffroy its French equivalent. It is the Anglo-Norman form of the Germanic compound *gudą 'god' and *friþuz 'peace'. It is a cognate of Dutch “Godfried” (God Fried) and German “Gottfried”. (Got T Fried)

Often confused with the anglified “Jeff”, Geoff represents the olde school version (with the e via the o). As you might say the word “yes” around Jeff, it would be correct to say “yeos” with Geoff. And while you definitely wouldn’t want to “eff” with Jeff, it’s cool to “eoff” with “Geoff”. Because the meaning of Geoff is “God’s Peace” it’s fair to say Geoff should be divinely chill, though who’s to say this “god” couldn’t be interpreted as a god of war and destruction that you caught on a good day? What is peace?? That’s a good question for Urban Dictionary!

It is important to note that Geoff is a 5-letter word where Jeff is a 4-letter word, and thus never subject to usage in a 4-letter word situation. As Nick Cage pointed out, “Jeff” could never be used in place of “Dick”, but more like “Jesk” which is like a weak ejaculation.
“Why yeos, ye may eoff with olde Geoff”
by Damn Hammered Dam Hammond hand January 29, 2021
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Geoff is the creator of the best song ever "Brazil"
Geoff Is better than mitski
Geoff is the second coolest name (other than Johan)
"oh man I love Brazil, that dude Geoff is as genius!"
by Orgoborgo June 15, 2022
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