The small scraps of toilet paper left behind after wiping your butt.
I was looking at my backside in a mirror and noticed I had anal dandruff from the lousy toilet paper I used at my grandmas house.
by SayHuh?? June 22, 2011
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when ur butt cheeks are very very hairy, and ur name is david dilbeck, and when u r in launguage arts class (or English) and u get up and there is white specks on the chair!
Bailey- ewwww look at davids chair!
Jane- ew i know its called butt dandruff.
Connor- ha ha ha
by Baymoo April 15, 2010
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What you sprinkle on top of deviled eggs to ensure your mouth burns as if burning in hell.
Girl: Don’t you have paprika?
Guy: Deviled eggs deserve only the best Devil’s Dandruff round here!
by July 7, 2022
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When u sleep with someone and wake up with his or her dry cum on u and u have a scratch
Fucked this bitch real hard last night and she cum all over me so when I went for a piss I had ball dandruff
by Rynryn October 28, 2017
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Tim: Its snowing outside guys!

John: I fucking hate Satans dandruff. Now I have to go plow!
by shadow44_z December 26, 2008
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I looked outside and saw a ton of Satan's dandruff falling. I hate winter!!!!!
by S2M November 20, 2008
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Excessive bits, shards, and particles of candy dust that result from the process of unwrapping a new and pristine or broken-in-the-wrapper candy cane. The release of said particles is perpetuated by the additional cracking and/or further breakage of said candy cane.
Melissa: Did you see Robert today? His shirt's covered with so much dandruff! Doesn't he ever wash his hair?!

Sue Anne: Silly Melissa! ((eye roll inserted here)) That's not head dandruff. Robert's on a candy cane binge. All those boxes he got on clearance sale after Christmas... those white flakes and dust all over his shirt and desk is candy cane dandruff.
by Tsarstepan November 22, 2011
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