A common noun, verb, and adjective describing anything. Usually about smoking weed, but can be used in many constructive ways....
1. Just BLAZE
2. Fuck this slut, i am just gona blaze
3. I think its that time to... JUST BLAZE
4. That test was mad easy, i just blazed through it.
5. Fuck the speed limit, i am just going to blaze.
etc. etc.
by DJLaal May 13, 2004
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to smoke pot. Coming from the fire in which is used to light the marihuana
he buddy lets go blaze
by Hubert L. Froginhimer June 22, 2005
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Shooting with bulk arrogance outside the box in Fifa well knowing the chance of success is slim
Shooting from at least 30 yrds out with more than 4 defenders in front of you, and casillas in goals, that is Blazing
by worduppp December 1, 2011
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the act of smoking a lot weed out of a large bowl with a bunch of friends usually engaging in a social activity
Man1:Yo nigga you heard about that party
Man2:yeah nigga im bout to blaze
Man1:ight i be ovea den nigga
by Jdizzle0018 September 13, 2008
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the remarkable effect that occurs after the art of smoking dope has been performed which causes unbearable feelings of eccentricity and unrational behavior.
damn, it has been a long day. let's go get blazed!
by dizzy~b June 3, 2005
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