the gayest someone can get legally in the U.S.A many the guys that publicy display affection in a busy place(malls or amusment parks) these people know that they are gay and try to show it. they will tell everyone they know. this word can only refer to gay guys. also if the people are in a diffrent country you can't call them All American Gay.
"tyler is such a All American Gay". "dude you are All American Gay". "y you got to act like an All American Gay"
by silent eagle November 22, 2007
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Clothes from American Eagle that you don't buy because they don't fit or you don't like them. Based off of the band, "The All-American Rejects"
Vicky- So did you buy that green sweater?

Sandy- No, it ended up being an All-American Eagle Reject.

Stacy- Those clothes are All-American Eagle Rejects, can you go put them back?

Leah- Sure thing.
by Nancy Drew 5000 September 5, 2009
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similar to the All American Challenge the All American pro challenge is game to do at parties when teams of four are given a 12 pack of there choice, a fifth of SoCo, an eighth of weed, a large pizza (also of there choice of toppings) and a 250 piece puzzle to solve and they must race against time to finish all of these things
A:"dude i did the all american challenge last night!"
B:"nice! did you do the all american standard challenge or the all american pro challenge?"
A:"theirs a pro challenge?"
B:"... pussy"
by That-white-guy September 18, 2011
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1. Loading up a car with snacks, coffee, soft drinks, and a guitar in the daylight hours then driving said car to an ocean-adjacent tourist-filled city in the effort of finding a woman to have sexual relations with. There must be at least 3 people in the car at all times, with the person in the backseat playing the guitar at some point in the hunt. Also, the city that you travel to has to be at least an hour away from the city you live in.

See also Trim Swimming.
1. "I've got nothing to do today, you want to go to the mall/beach/Sodom & Gomorrah?"

"Fuck that, let's go on an All-American Cunt Hunt!"

"I'll bring the guitar."
by Sallywhacker January 30, 2010
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Is an American that can survive on his own very easily. Usually at a young age. Able to create fires, make a shelter, find edible food, knowing exactly where you are on a map (in the middle of nowhere).
Damn Jimmy is the all-American-bad-ass, that's the biggest fire ever, and it's made out of stones. And he knows exactly where he is, just by looking at some rocks in the distance.
by anthony binas March 9, 2008
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When a person(Or Alien) eats out a girl from every state of the United States of America.
Dude 1: "Did you hear what Barthalamew did?"
Dude 2: "Yeah. He had an All American Slurp."
by KEKlan December 14, 2016
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A term used to describe an individual who is ridiculously over-zealous in any of his or her pursuits, often in a comedic and destructive way. These individuals are easy to point out in a crowd and are noticeably more agitated, sweaty, and loud than a normal person. The term evolved from high school football where 3rd string “bag team” players would injure starting running backs by being overly aggressive during Friday half speed practices.
Friend #1: How'd John do with that girl?

Friend #2: Not so good. He scared her away with his Bag Team All-American technique

Person #1: Torn ACL?

Person #2: Yep. Playing football in the park with Bag Team All-American Nate.
by Youthful Wisdom August 17, 2005
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