A gay man's dick's favorite place in the whole world.
I'm going to dick him in his shitty mailbox if you know what I mean.
by I_dont_know_why_im_here December 7, 2017
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Another name for Rush City. A shitty town in Minnesota thats about an hour north of the twin cities.
Dude she's so trashy
What do you expect she's from rush shitty
by XratedJerry July 18, 2021
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to make a u-turn or a shitty road manuever
he was bustin a shitty and ran into a parked car
by BAM89 January 8, 2008
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Let's Get Shitty means - When we meet up or kick it , let's not waste time on small talk let's just get Down & Dirty. Have Dirty Freaky Sex.
by Dirty Girl Gypsy 1437 August 2, 2015
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A server that crashes 2 times in the 2 days that you have been on it, particularly because it is hosted in a foreign country, and is run on a 2-bit server. Often populated with trolls on various chat boxes on the site, this kind of server is for that one person with less life than those that spend hours pouring over a game as they spend hours waiting for the game to come back online so they can spend hours pouring over it.
eg.:Man 1:Hey man I just joined this new server 2 days ago
Man 2: Yeah? Is it any good?
Man 1: Nah, it sux balls, it's this AuraSEA bull shit it's crashed twice in 2 days and the owner is the only guy who can restart it, but he's on vacation. I hate using a shitty MS Private server
Man 2: Damn that sux
Man 1: Yeah, and they left their donation open, like I'm donating to a server that can't stay on!
by Rawrzdsiasad August 8, 2011
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oh no guys i shitted in my diaper big shit nazi man hitler
guy 1: hey guys have you listened to suprx’s new song?
guy 2: no, cuz his music is big shitty diaper
by grug frim tha cruds November 20, 2020
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