A rare and endangered species of bird, native to North America. Amazingly, this avian wonder is rarely witnessed, even less so than the mythical Unicorn and the fabled Post Ghost.
Bob - Fights Won 1572958, Fights Lost 130738.

John - Wow, that's one hell of a Pussy Snipe!
Bob - How can you tell it's not a Unicorn?
John - Only a sniping pussy has numbers like that!
by THUNDERCHICKEN May 31, 2011
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A vagina that’s only active when it’s red and bubbly, otherwise dormant
Babe you got a volcano pussy, you’re only horny when you’re on the rag
by Pikhoved202 December 21, 2020
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Something Mc Ride yells at least one time every hour
Volcano pussy melt your peter like ice
by peiiota November 6, 2019
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An individual who dons a pink-pussy-hat.
There were so many pink-pussy-hatters marching outside the Trump rally.
by Tree House Eikaiwa October 8, 2018
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when someone has a big dick so a girl says "rip that pussy"
Girl: "omg my bf is like 9 inches"
Her friend: "rip that pussy"
by bigfatjuicytoe November 30, 2021
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A group of best friends (2 or more) who embark on boss like activities.members of a pussie squad rarely ever make any important decisions without consulting her members of the squad.

Pussie squad also handles boss like tasks.

Pussie squad is not for weak friendships. It must be the tightest of the tight.
Once you enter a pussie squad you do not get out.
Hey Ann we have to go take care of business pussie squad unite!!!

Omg their pussie squad is tight!!!

Leslie we are about to take care of some pussie squad business!

Pussie squad friendship
by Krislie Knope September 18, 2015
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