Pinching a woman's labia shut, and blowing her vagina full of air, then slowly letting the air escape, to create an extended pussy fart .
Well son, your moms mad as hell, because I gave her a Wyoming wind tunnel this morning !!!
by Pudknocker March 18, 2016
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The goat, no questions asked. A top fella. Could steal yo girl if necessary. Don't mess with the top dog ever. Tony Soprano's best friend and best man at his wedding. Favelas born and bred (did live in shanghai's kung fu district and London briefly) but the favela of Rochina is where he loves. a.k.a tewys olasowys, member of Size Dont Mater FC.
by tewys1 May 9, 2022
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action where wind is strong enough to burnt the skin after a long period of time
During the soccer game I got wind burnt but didn’t notice till that night
by Rebecca Dobson January 11, 2018
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A release of gas from one's posterior
Guy: Ugh! What's that smell?

Buddy: Sorry boys, I just blew some French Wind..
by RacinJason November 30, 2018
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The thing that blows girl's skirts right up.
"Woah dude look at the wind on the girls skirt!"
by Bendyboi1666 July 23, 2019
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Wind is the worse thing imaginable. When it’s October and you put out your decorations for Halloween and the wind has to be a dick and then everything blows away which is a pain in the ass
Person 1 “Hey it’s going to be very windy today”

Person 2 “ Oh crap I just put out my Halloween decorations!!!”

Person 1 “ Really you did, because I can’t see them”
by Money Man!!! October 30, 2019
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