A bitch that’s what he is
Man I’ll beat tf outta Satan
by Thatoneguyatdatparty69 April 8, 2021
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A creature who is in over his head, but doesn't know it until he meets you! (From the rear)
If SATAN figures out where I'm going, it might help him to regain his once cherished HEART!
by Justin Neff January 8, 2022
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Jiggling the bathroom doorknob, knowing someone's in there to give them anxiety
by _Rossi_ September 19, 2018
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Someone who drinks the red juice instead of the red one at briscoe middle School

Someone who steals Cassie's orange juice box
That bitch just stole Cassie's juice she must be Satan she drinking the red one too that's a double sin
by Clutzilla123 March 22, 2017
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According to the Bible, God Created the Heavens & Earth. He Also Had Created His Angels who would be on his side. He created many angels but there was one outstanding splendid ArchAngel. He was Named Lucifer. Due to his beauty & Inquity, he commit a sin of pride for being rebellious Against God in his heart. He Said “I will Exalt the Throne Above God, I will be like the most High” Yet war Broke Out in Heaven, Michael and his angels fought the Dragon, called Serpent/Devil, who Decieves the World. Now He has Dominion Over Earth before it was created. That is the reason we sin a lot and sometimea reject Jesus. Satan Wants us all to be In Hell.
No Man Is More Evil Then Satan. Resist the Devil & he’ll flee from you
by GoodVsEvil September 18, 2021
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