A personal Facebook page where you have close friends and family viewing your timeline status posts, Unlike group pages where you can act a goddamn fool and post pretty much what you are REALLY feeling.
Please don't post bullshit on my vanilla page, post it in the group. Hey, my church sees my vanilla page! Um, my parents are on my vanilla page. PG page
by Ike Mamazon April 25, 2016
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Similar to Jungle Fever or Curry Fever, but being addicted to white people. You become obsessed with them and want to bang them hard. This most commonly applies to non-white women who have a strong attraction to white men.
Guy 1: Did you see the tits on that white girl?

Guy 2: Yeah dude her tits are huge!!!
Guy 1: I think I got the Vanilla Rush.
by WildKatt4698 September 20, 2023
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When a white female is orally pleasuring a man's penis
"Yo, man, I saw that bitch at the party, and she gave me Vanilla Dome! The shit was epic! No teeth!"
by valley girl joe September 6, 2009
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The third location in Super Mario World, but also a term that can refer to a place filled with only white people.
Randy: Wow, there are no blacks here in Burger King.
Dick: Yeah. This is a Vanilla Dome.
Randy: I get that reference.
by RockManZero3 March 16, 2020
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Code for wanting to have sex but keeping it suddle, generally asked when there are to many people around say say it directly
A guy and a girl were hitting it off at a bar with their friends. The guy asks "Hey, do you want a vanilla cupcake? " The girl says "Sure." Then they leave the bar together.
by bu11seye456 June 4, 2018
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When a man whips out his penis in public and sprays his sperm on random old ladies or lady
I heard he vanilla cannoned his own grandma
by Bannanamitchandzand May 24, 2016
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