spaghetti snow just a more swaggtastic way of saying -you already know.
you spaghetti snow ya boy fresh k be baggin them bitches
by fresh k1993 November 21, 2009
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or spaghetti dogging
choking on food
that one vine where that dog eats spaghetti and then throws it up.
“i ate my food to fast and spaghetti dogged
by beespiders January 7, 2019
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When you take a shit in the shower after a long night of getting pile drived in the anus and then stomp it down the drain
Barry said to Darren "fuck that shit just slid out my ass and then i stomped it down the drain to make tonight's feed"
Darren said "sounds like you just made some prime Californian spaghetti"
by Bazza the bonglord November 23, 2018
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A common phrase to describe someone who is suffering from a seizure or similar epileptic fit.
Person 1: Is Barbara okay?
Person 2: Don't mind her, she's just under the spaghetti.
by Haynick August 8, 2018
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When one slurps out a females bloody tampon out of there vagina
Yea man, I was going down on her last night and pulled a spaghetti suprise on her
by Trevor04 January 13, 2020
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Commonly associated with Rimmer angry at Lister for sleeping with his mum. Generally happens when something out of your control accures.
Bob: Hey Jeff
Jeff: You slept with my girlfriend

Bob: Yeah, she was awesome

Jeff: Alfabety spaghetti
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