When someone has some insane diarrhea while they are asleep.
“Bro I had a Willy Wonka Wet Dream at my girlfriends place last week. Let’s just say she ain’t my girlfriend no more
by Vikingwaterfall August 26, 2023
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A misheard lyric from the song "Empire State of Mind", created by Jay-Z and Alicia Keys. This is normally being misheard during the Chorus of the song, while the actual lyrics are: "Congrete Jungle Where Dreams are Made of"
NEWWW YORRRRRRKKKKKKK Concrete Jungle Wet Dream Tomato
by namingrandomshitifindinthisweb October 31, 2023
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What every Jew loves to see, a blonde girl and a black man couple. Not because they hate blonde goys and like to see their daughters sexually degraded or anything... they're just concerned about civil rights or true love or something like that.
Guess who's coming to dinner goyim...A dirty nigger to fuck your daughter! That's my Jewish Wet Dream revenge fantasy
by Callivan January 18, 2023
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When you have sex with a person that has herpes and the blisters are popping, which gives you a pop rock sensation.
That liberal wet dream last night was amazing, but I’m bound to regret it later.
by Thekinkmaster January 27, 2022
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When you simultaneously ejaculate & shit yourself while sleeping.
double rainbow wet dream
Dude 1: Wow, man why are you at the laundromat so early?
Dude 2: I just woke up from a double wet dream .
Dude 1 " Wow, it must be your lucky day bro. Those are more rare than a double rainbow!
by Beer Buddha October 28, 2015
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A sexually arousing fantasy that is bound not to ever occur.
Dude, last night I had a pipe wet dream about me, Jessica Alba, Carmen Electra, Pamela Anderson and Katie Price doing sex all night long.
by nigerplease July 25, 2008
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