Hell is a place on earth, this is it.
"QUIT STABBING THE FISH IN THE FISH TANK." - Stirbs Science at Warwick Senior High School
by Ajish May 31, 2009
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A New York school surrounded by cow shit... literally. Freshmen class is crazy+overly horny. Sophomores are cocky and act like kings and queens. Juniors are just plain rude or the nicest people . Seniors are just trying to make it out of school. Tax money, it goes toward a pool. Now the pool isn’t better it’s the same so what was the point. The teachers, they aren’t there half the time and they seem to have a obsession with hiring perverts and now as of 2019 a sex offender. Drugs, vaping is forever stained in the bath room, weed fill the library, acid lines the halls, and alcohol fill the useless pool. Students, a good amount honestly are just fake and want to act like there from the hood when in reality there growing up next to a farm. But hell I still say it’s better then a shot ton of schools but don’t believe the reviews you hear from the adults.
Person 1: I heard that school had the cops come in cause there was another drug deal happening

Person 2: What school

Person 1: Warwick Valley High School
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West Warwick high school is not your typical high school, walking through these halls there are many things you can smell, for example our burnt lunches, onions, musty children who do not shower, and stank bitch pussy, while walking through these crummy hallways your head might get wet but don’t fret... it’s simply from the holes in the ceiling . A school to broke to fix the holes in their ceiling so there’s buckets under all of them. The whole top floor is full of incompetent broads also known as freshmen. You can find all the whores in the school located in the back, upon dismissal you can find all of the butch ass nigga’s who are not about shit and won’t run it up in the front. The females are also very pussy, the type to talk shit and then take different hallway routes from you. West Warwick home of the Wizards but unless your repping these wizards they don’t give a fuck about you.
West Warwick high school Rhode Island for example .Person 1: “That bitch stank”
Person 2: “Run it up hoe”
Person 1: *Runs out the school home*
Person 2: “West Warwick high school ain’t shit
by Steve Alves October 2, 2019
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The name for someone who dates you, breaks up with you, and then comes begging to date you again, ( A Whore )
I dated Shannon Warwick
by Bus buddies1112 September 11, 2017
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The term ‘Harrison Warwick’ means you are a fat, nonce, ugly, and loves cock. Most ‘Harrison Warwick’s tend to be grumpy and fat, be careful if you see a Harrison Warwick because he could perform anal sex (mostly to men)
“Harrison Warwick is fat as fuck
by Harrison Warwick March 8, 2023
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In a little town in kinda upstate NY there is a middle school with annoying 5th and 6th graders, dumbass 7th graders, and 8th graders ranging from horny asf to high asf. But you can forget abt the hot asf athletic 8th graders 🥵
Random person: what school do you go to?
Warwick kids: Warwick Valley Middle School
Random person: Oh the school where almost everyone is high, horny, or althletic?
by Weirddepressedshit November 23, 2020
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A place that is filled with dumb kids who need serious help. Has mostly really short kids that go there and maybe 1 tall person. The teachers suck and when your there it feels like hell. Most kids who go to this school goes nowhere is life.

There are lots of threats to this school because no one likes it there. The food sucks and and so does the bus drivers.
Tyler: Hey when was the last time you went to hell
Jackson: Oh do you mean Warwick Vets memorial middle school

Jordan: Whoever made school should die a slow painful death
Jackson: Yup
Tyler: I hate Vets
by :) dumbass (: January 29, 2022
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