Going somewhere, especially a crowded event solo.
Jeff: Kayeman, who you taking to the party?

Kayeman: I'm going stag .
by Kayeman Lanes March 19, 2006
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the male counterpart to fag hag meaning a gay males best friend
by Anonymous October 1, 2003
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What you ask if you want to know if someone is going to a dance or club alone (stag) or with a date (Drag)
I am going drag to the dance with my girlfriend.
by Dug February 25, 2005
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Analogous to "fag hag" for a woman, "fag stag" is a straight man who is very comfortable around gay men, has many gay friends, and is supportive of gay rights. He may not necessarily go to gay bars and clubs with his gay friends, or vacation in mostly gay spots, but he is interested in his friends' romantic lives, and in the main differences between same-sex and opposite-sex relationships. He is amused, and sometimes downright flattered, when gay men are attracted to him, and not at all uncomfortable in such situations. If he's a "metrosexual," he may even shop with his gay friends and avail himself of their fashion sense.
"It's so refreshing to find a straight guy like Jeremy, who's so comfortable around us gay men. He's a real fag stag."
by middle_east_explorer September 20, 2009
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The action of going to a formal dance with a partner that feels sorry for or pitys the person he/she is going with.
Guy: Hey you want to go to Prom with me?
Girl: Uhhhh...... wow... uh ok?
Guy: Great, what color will your dress be so I can match.
Girl: It doesnt matter because we're going half-stag.
by reggedoll May 12, 2010
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Stands for statutory vagina. Used to describe jailbait, and hot underage girls.
Ben: I just saw your stag vag in my class
Gerry: Which one?
by Geroooo April 11, 2008
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A party for men only, or one suited for men.
Yo, let's ditch this place and check out the stag party down the street, there's more booze!
by Adumreb September 4, 2005
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