An individual who believes he is part of the "Fit Fam" by choice of his girlfriend. These individuals do not drink beer like men do they drink diddy juice. What ever that is. They do not go out to the bar with the boys as burgers, burritos, pizza and beers are not part of their life style. They tend to have man buns and do anything their girlfriend says. Including staying in on a Friday night to watch the notebook and cook lentils, while the boys are out partying. These individuals also "Stack Paper" mainly by hiding from their friends as sluggin beers and slamming shots can get expensive.
Look at that herb over there with the man bun. He must be a fit fam money stacker.

Well we lost another one of our friends to the fit fam money stackers he's got a knot on the top of his head and can't come out because his gf is cooking lentils and grass fed beef.

Hey man you wanna go out and grab a burger and slam a few beers? Nah dude I gotta stay in with the girlfriend we are fit fam money stackin sippin diddy juice watching the note book
by MashinEM November 18, 2015
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You play uno with your friends so you could see one of them suffer, with your collection of 4+ wild cards. you are the pain of there existence, make one of your friends suffer with gang banging one of your friends with the stacking rule.
it means you show no remorse to one of your friends in Uno, beacuse you're an uno stacker
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The determination of the stack ranking of work efforts, initiatives or projects
We changed the stackering of your initiative based on WITCE
by tmo_rob June 26, 2013
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A black man that loves to be with only white women and can’t see himself dating or mixing with any other race.

Black men’s kryptonite dating only white women.

Also a black man’s way to be secured financial.
DEFINITION: a black man that only dates white women.

Did you hear about what’s his name. ? He’s cracker stacker to his list of women.
by MYKAL DOMENIC December 29, 2022
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(guy one)"hare have this bong "
(guy 2 ) "wow man thats a harry hay stacker "
by demonicdeath July 28, 2008
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Someone who stacks fresh hot poo on a poo that was already in the toilet. Usually at a house party.
Don't drop a deuce after Pat . That guy is a hot stacker
by JBJesus June 21, 2017
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A derogatory term used by small children;

Used sarcastically when you are involved in a dispute where the other party is acting like a small child.
Ryan: I'm not your friend anymore...
Josh: Oh yeah, well your a stupid Marker Stacker!
by VC crew July 30, 2010
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