“One finger in the throat and one in the rectum......"

When a neurological oriented member of a trauma 1 team checks gag reflex and performs a digital rectal examination simultaneously. This is usually performed on trauma patients to determine extent of abdominal, pelvic, and neurological injuries. New evidence shows the procedure is unnecessary but it's still performed and some have become fond of it's diagnostic powers.

"Espsoito et al (2005) found that none of 512 patients would have had a significant injury missed had the DRE been omitted." (Life In The Fast Lane)."Adding insult to injury?"
I just tried the ole Upstate Hand shake on the patient in room 2. Nurse, we're gonna need some restraints and sedation because they're fighting us for some reason!
by Doctor Jelly Finger February 8, 2014
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verb. (sexual act)

To please a woman by spreading your hand in a V and placing 2 fingers in her puckered dumpling, and 2 in her meat wallet, then shaking vigorously until she cums. At the moment of orgasm, proclaim, "Live long and prosper!"

Not to be confused with star trekking, which is to have sex with an anal virgin, and thereby, "To boldly go where no man has gone before."
She looked pleased to meet me, but what pleased her more was the Vulcan Hand Shake.
by Antenna Wilde March 10, 2009
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Rocky, Indie, Blues band hailing from Northern Scotland. Popular in the early 00's during their 5 year career before woman, booze and lack of interest got in the way.
Wow did you see the Dirty Hand Shakes last night they were awesome.
by POW The Phantom September 23, 2011
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A left handed shake that is often used by a con-artist to get out of a bet or deal. This con-artist tricks the opposing better into a left handed shake to avoid paying a debt.
Damn, Brandon used a left handed shake and weaseled out of buying me a burrito!
by #winning November 4, 2019
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The act of greeting a person with a hand shake after wiping your anus and not washing your hands. This is a common occurrence in the workplace.
Jaybird, I just saw Old man Chinnuz walking out of the shitter without washing his hads to give you a fecal hand shake
by bobachop May 20, 2011
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1. How they say hello in Shanghai. (Depending on the area)

2. Most often a simple dry handy, traditionally preformed in a public area.
I haven't heard back from any of the places I applied to. Pretty soon I'll have to start giving Shanghai hand-shakes behind the pawn shop to pay the bills.
by Mr. Facnyman extravagant tits November 5, 2012
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