It’s a free mulligan in golf but you have to shotgun a beer and then someone tosses you a club in which you have like 5sec to hit the ball (there is no stroke added to your score).
by Qwerty603 May 13, 2022
a "jimmy"...or a "jimmy-tap"...very painful to the recever...most delightful to the tap the genitalia area of the male roughly hard...and the male will most likly wice in pain..and fall to the ground...seems like fun!!!
"imma mulligan you ass if you dont watch your self, its commin,'AHHHHH'."HA HA HA THE MOST FUN OF IT ALL!!!
by sheen dinneen July 11, 2008
A mulligan is usually found simping for girls that will never simp back for them .They are quite fond of the app 'Houseparty' and has many minutes with girls. Most people just feel bad for mulligans. Mulligans choose girls over the lads
by MullyECM123 December 26, 2020
Yeah, I don't think I need tell you guys this but... You know I'm taking a mulligan on being wrong, right? Yeaahhh.... So, we're back up to 100% accuracy! Captain Always-Right!!!! I know. It's astonishing. How can a man be as right as I am as often as I am? They can't! It's impossible for anyone but me! I'm the greatest! And I'm always right.
Hym "How many of you have been here since the beginning? You had to have known I was going to take a mulligan, right? You had to know. Because it was a flook. It didn't count. I've been doing this for years. You have to know that (over time) I have accrued a substantial back-log of mulligans. I haven't needed to use one until now. So... -2 mulligans for me.... You know, actually, I didn't even need to be wrong. As a matter of fact, I was wrong on purpose and only did it for the sake of this bit. So, I'll take those mulligans back (uh-spankyouverymuch). +2 mulligans. There... 100% correct. All of the time. And we still have all of our mulligans. Everything is right with the world once again."
by Hym Iam January 14, 2023
When You Need a PASS for your mistakes, those slip-ups, or activities that you may need an excuse for.
The Teacher asked Billy if he had his homework assignments for Days He missed, He responded with his crooked Smile ”I figured you'd let me have Mulligan since you know my circumstances”.
by ComingCorrect May 5, 2021
Taking a nap, or going to sleep after Binge Drinking, or Marathon Drinking, and waking up still buzzed, or drunk.
by Mister Paracosmic December 12, 2022
Max is the fruitiest person I know. Well he’s played baseball his whole life. That makes sense according to Mulligan’s Law.
by Patrick Star9838 March 18, 2024