The act of killing an animal, having sex with it, and then bringing it back to life.
Did you hear that her horse died?
Nah man, she's inti homicidal beastionecromanciphilia, her horse dies like every other week.
by RebelFlower03 December 25, 2018
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when after a fender bender the police come out to write out a report and everybody is a witness like it was a homicide.
They had a false homicide on main street today.
by Deep Blue 2012 July 13, 2009
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When you fart underneath someones blanket similar to a dutch oven....but you choke them and when they are about to pass out, you let go.....and they breathe in all of your fart.
I farted underneath my roomates blanket and almost choked him to death, but i let go early and he died from a dutch homicide.
by D Rizz October 16, 2011
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A person who plants a bomb that results in at least one homicide.

This generic term can also identify the method used to deliver the bomb. For example, a "suicide bomber" (the phrase that "homicide bomber" was invented to displace) delivers the bomb by killing himself or herself while killing others. Another example is a "mail bomber," who sends his or her murderous bomb by mail, like the Unabomber Ted Kaczynski.

Both of these are different from a more generic "homicide bomber" who personally plants a bomb with the intent “only” to commit homicide, and not suicide.
There are many suicide bombers in the Middle East, but Timothy McVeigh was a homicide bomber.
by John Pothier March 31, 2003
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Deciding to go with a hair-cut outside of your comfort zone.
Holy shit! Have you seen Debbie lately? She went with the 'Gosselin'...she committed Folicular Homicide!
by WestSideSlant August 18, 2010
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homicide bombing

n. A bombing that intentionally kills another person; a suicide bombing in which the bomber's primary intent is to kill other people. —homicide bomber, n.

Example Citation:
An experimental government program which uses tiny plastic particles to help trace explosives has led to an arrest in a homicide-bombing case, the Treasury Department's Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco and Firearms said Monday.
—The Associated Press, June 18, 1979

Earliest Citation:

''We're working systematically very, very hard in arduous conditions,'' Killorin said. ''This is what we know. The man is in the area. We've confirmed that. Absolutely, we're very careful because this person is wanted for a homicide bombing.''
—Kathy Scruggs, "Manhunt for Rudolph expected to drag on," The Atlanta Journal and Constitution, July 22, 1998
by Frank December 7, 2003
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Synonym of suicide bomber. Recent media variation on the term suicide bomber to reflect the fact that bombers often kill other people besides his/herself in the act of detonation.
Another homicide bomber blew herself up in Jerusalem yesterday.
by Bungalow Bill July 27, 2002
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