a person (male or female) that cuts themselves usually at the wrists, to deal with pain (from no reason - death). Most emo people cut.
Amy is a cutter because she always has cut marks on her wrists, and hides it with a wrist band.....
by Xx_FoReVeR_eMo_xX September 17, 2006
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fuckin dumb asses...seriously...get a life
Normal Person: Why do you cut yourself?
Cutter: I like to feel pain!
Normal Person: What a looser.
by Fread August 19, 2006
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Cutter is a term used for girls with nice Rear-ends. Came about because of how the butt cuts off turds when tightend.
by Alexx May 23, 2006
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A depressed teen looking for attention by cutting themselves.

Usually listens to emo (music for the uncreative) and dresses in black to show that she can go to Hot Topic.

Your pain isn't going to go away by cutting your wrists. What all you cutters need to do is hang yourself. That would save you from pain and us from your whining.
Jessica is a cutter because she loves drama and the attention she gets. Also she's stupid.
by DrewK June 15, 2005
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Someone who cuts themselves in the attempt to be dark and "gothic". Most do it for attention and pity. They want the world to think that their lives are hard and full of personal angst. These people usually are not very intelligent and for the most part are very weak, pathetic disgraces. They make sure the cuts are in plain view so people question and worry about them. They play into the illusion that they want to die, but they always cut across and never down.
Person1 to cutter-"What happened to your arm, are you ok? I'm here if you need to talk"
Cutter*pulls arm away and acts helpless and depressed"
Gothic Girl to cutter-"Grow up and stop longing for attention. If you want to go so bad, cut up"
by NevermorePoe November 15, 2006
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This is a term used when talking about people who cut themselves as a form of suiside. This term is mostly used to discribe a person.
"Yeah, I heard she is a cutter."
by Amanda March 19, 2005
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one who cuts his/her self with a sharp object (i.e. razor blade, knife, scissors, needle, etc.) to either make onesself bleed or just for the thrill
look at his arms, i didnt know he was a cutter.
by misstouch May 12, 2005
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