An erect appendage, more commonly found on a man.
"The other day i saw a movie which consisted of various women sampling man length".
by b-sampler December 3, 2010
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Without any cutting or trimming, the length to which hair or beards will grow before they stop and won’t go any further.
“Bro, my beard has reached terminal length, it got as far as my chest & won’t grow past that point”

“I haven’t cut my hair for over a year but it won’t get any longer than this. It’s reached terminal length”
by Ch4os-Th3ory December 12, 2021
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I miscalculated how much pipe we would need. I was off by a phong length.
by Jessdigs March 16, 2022
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when you’re hair is pussy length meaning touching your coochie
“If my braids aren’t pussy length that I don’t want them”
by jaythaqt March 2, 2022
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hair tried to be worn attractively framing your face, but in reality, it looks like stringy carp hanging off your scalp
"Way to mess up your full-legnths"
by Mac November 1, 2003
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