Phrase used for when you or someone you know gets fucked in a gas station bathroom on the floor by the janitor
P1: Hey, what took you so long ?
P2: I was filling up the car, I went inside and got some of that gas station meat
by Skeletonpotato June 1, 2018
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An individual that looks and acts tough, but is actually a pushover.

A bully or poser
"That Gas Station Pocket Knife started a shove match with a waiter for getting his girlfriend's order wrong, but he started crying after the waiter threw a punch."
by RalphTheWanderer October 7, 2022
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Going with a group of friends to a gas station (or convenience store) and purchasing each other 1 drink, 1 snack (usually chips), and 1 dessert discreetly. Then, you all come together as a group and try your snack combination and typically rate it out of 10.
"Hey Jason! We're playing gas station roulette tonight. You're buying for Gavin."
by thedepressedjester April 13, 2022
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Gun(s) that you you can buy for very cheap, usually with very poor quality and known with issues of feeding, chambering and limited warranty with very bad resell value. These type of guns usually end up being sent back to the manufacturer within a few weeks of someone purchasing and firing these firearms. Pretty much the same quality as anything from the gas station whether it being gas station knives or gas station sushi.
Hey did you hear about Taylor’s Taurus G2C? That shit blew up on him when he shot +P ammo through it what a fucking gas station gun! Fucking monogoloid should’ve purchased that Smith and Wesson SD40 VE instead.
by Cokeman234 August 3, 2021
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A firearm that isn't the best in quality, basically something you can buy at a fucking gas station just like it's gas station sushi; usually found in the sub $200 - $350 range and they have known issues but are not limited to:
Light primer strikes
Iron sights falling off
Firing when dropped
Failure to feed
Failure to extract
Customer: Yo dawg you got that new Taurus G3 in the foudy caliber?

Gun shop employee: Yeah man they're really good for what they are, the best quality gas station guns that you can potentially buy.
by Cokeman234 August 5, 2021
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uuhh nevada? or california.. i just woke up here is what you would say if you traveled to alberta with a rat. warping time and space when you do that. Alberta doesn't have rats... so making them see a rat is just breaking the universe. so you travel to someplace called "gas station" this also supports XBOX and is strange... because WHAT XBOX ARE YOU GONNA BE USING OUT THERE. anyways, if you want to suffer. go to gas station simulator by bringing a rat to alberta. you may also see a bit of ohio. but that doesn't really matter
by NOT baby hilter UWU June 16, 2022
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Gas Station Anal Beads are defined as nerd ropes due to them being available at gas stations and its similarity to the length and proportions of anal beads. Usually they are inserted into the anal cavity and then eaten out by the inserter.
Guy 1: "We went to the gas station earlier"
Guy 2: "Did you pick up Gas Station Anal Beads?"
Guy 1: "Yeah, used them as intended."
by CommanderCumLord January 3, 2022
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