1. A phrase said between people before a competitive event. Usually followed by Giving Skin.
2. A British comedy much loved by many people.
1. You're going down. Game On.
2. "Help! I've got my knob stuck in the vacuum."
by Kip Stevens April 22, 2004
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life. Life is a game and we all play it as if it were real.

The Hindus believe that all is an illusion, that we are all God and that we are fooling ourselves into believing that life is real.
"If you take the game of life seriously, if you take your nervous system seriously, if you take your sense organs seriously, if you take the energy process seriously, you must turn on, tune in, and drop out" - Timothy Leary
by TheVeil August 17, 2005
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"blimey" gasped a shocked Kevin "I didn't realise my next door neighbour was on the game"
by theWestHamfan November 14, 2003
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Gamer: Mom I'm Gaming Right now! Can't you see bitch! Mom: Well after you are done "gaming" go downstairs and circumcise your father please, he needs a new pair.
by Pieceofshit43 May 6, 2020
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they had brought there a-game to the court.
by johhn p February 24, 2006
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A cesspit located in Wyoming, used as the US Government's gay gene dump and is the favourite vacation spot of Queen Liz.

Might become a terrorist organisation in a few years tbh.
P1: Hey you heard of Gameing?
P2: *Short ptsd episode* I am unfortunate enough to have indeed heard of it
P1: You poor soul
by Am_Yeff March 24, 2022
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Committing war crimes and then denying you committed them.
Oh man, Yazov is gaming so hard right now!
by kirby the memestar September 13, 2021
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