1) The condition of speaking the truth and having no one believe you.

2) The condition of being able to predict the future, be it the outcome of a particular event, or the reactions of others to the same event, and having no one believe your prophecy until it transpires.

3) Being able to see or understand things long before others, often resulting in them coming to the same conclusions long after your own initial analysis.

(All definitions come from Cassandra, the queen in Greek mythology who was appointed by Apollo with an inability to lie, yet cursed by having no one believe her prophecies.)
"I told him she was going to dump him if he didn't shape up, but no one ever believes my Cassandra syndrome."
by Curtis Meyer May 30, 2008
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A teenage fantasy author best known for her series, The Mortal Instruments.
Person: Cassandra Clare is my favourite author.
by FlushedToilet April 24, 2011
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oh that’s cassandra <3
by peppa pig <3 October 13, 2021
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Its a term in psychology taken from Greek myth. Cassandra was the daughter of King Priam and Queen Hecuba, she was a prophetic seer but lacked the power of persuasion and was never believed. So when we say someone has a "cassandra complex" its saying they know something terrible is going to happen but they can't or won't do anything to prevent it.
the lady with the crystal ball has a "cassandra complex", knowone ever believes her.
by synthetik_smurf August 15, 2005
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Named after the Greek prophetess. A way of saying “I told you so” or to remind people not to complain to your ass about shit because you warned them all about the problems you saw coming a mile away.
I filed a Cassandra Claim when you hired his dumb ass so don't start in with me. I told you he was a sticky fingered shifty bastard and you still hired him so it’s your fault that he stole over $9,000 worth of stock.

I’ve got a Cassandra Claim on your boyfriend cheating on you, Beth, because I warned your ass that I saw his car parked in front of the porn store just about every night on my way home from work.

by Brett Burkhardt April 27, 2008
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Fan fiction writer who weaves quotes from popular television shows such as Buffy the Vampire Slayer or Black Adder with excerpts from obscure novels, short stories, and occasionally other fan fiction writers's stories, recontextualizing the strands within the Harry Potter framework to produce a hybrid work self-published under her own name.
You'll never believe this: I think I found a sentence in Cassandra Claire's new chapter that's completely her own!
by Anne O'Tate October 26, 2006
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The most amazing, most beautiful, most SPECTACULAR girl you'll ever meet. Her eyes make the stars look like they’re not shining. Her hair falls perfectly without her trying.
Every time she smiles, the world stops and stares for a while. When you see her face and you can't help but think, “Man, theres nothing I would change”
Cuz she’s amazing, just the way she is.
She's the type of girl anybody would catch a grenade for,
Throw a hand on a blade for,
jump in front of a train for,
take a bullet straight through the brain for
Whenever she’s around, it's so dysfunctional
because nobody can focus ~~ she's too eye-catching
even the sweetest dream wouldn't come close to being AS sweet as she is.
She’s pretty without any makeup on
She’s funny even when she tells the punchline wrong
your heart'll stop when she looks at you
She's just that amazing~~ :D
She's sweet, she's funny, she's kind, she's loving, and she's MAD cute.
Boy 1: "Shiiitttt... is that cassandra wong?"
Boy 2: "yeah dudddeeee......"
Boy 1: "Shiiittttt....."
Cassandra Wong: "hey guys~~ :D"
Boy 1 and Boy 2 melt due to overdose of happiness cuz cassandra wong actually talked to them.
by DomodoreAdmirer:DDD August 2, 2011
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