a way in sitting in which the knees are bent and the legs over lap (hence the criss cross) and the applesauce is a nice rhyme used to remind young children how to sit.
teacher: everyone sit criss cross applesauce for story time
kindergartners: YAY!
by singstar319 June 19, 2011
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The superior way to sit. You fold you legs to form a somewhat pretzel shape. Also know as Indian style
Growing up, I used to love sitting criss-cross applesauce!
by Definitely a human! April 16, 2020
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When you are fucking a girl with syphillis and she cums green stuff and you cum in it. You try to eat it and then when you throw up, that is sour green applesauce.
I know you have syphilis , so let's make sour green applesauce.
by MasterK2388 December 30, 2016
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A word used when owning someone or something. Usually used in a funny term and gets people laughing.
*I win a game of ninja*
Me: "Eat my applesauce!" ya loser!!
Loser: Haha that's funny!
Random Dude: That's not funny at all.
*I slap random dude*
Random Dude: LOL HAHA!!! I LOVE IT!!!
by REBTanker50 January 23, 2011
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Intense sexual intercourse with the top of an apple sauce jar, which makes the incredibly orgasmic popping sound and gives you the feeling of popping a cherry
by Erasercapnow October 24, 2017
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Crazy; bonkers; wild and impulsive.
Did you hear that Mandy quit her job, sold all her stuff, and married a guy she met on tinder after knowing him for only two weeks??

Yeah man, homegirl's got bananas in her applesauce.
by Clark Marfington November 21, 2019
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A catch-all phrase used to describe an event, usually one of extraordinary, or just plain disgusting, proportions. It can be used in either a positive or negative connotation, as the below example illustrates.
Man1: You beat 'Cradle' on Double-0 Agent? How??
Man2: Just fuckin' Dick, Shit, and Applesauce

Man1: Wow! I think I just shit myself!
Man2: Wah. Well that's just Dick, Shit, and Applesauce.
by scarletrat May 16, 2007
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