Vb.- The act of using a potato cannon or an automatic baseball pitcher to fire a duct taped well lubricated hamster into one's anus at close range (done in less than a ten foot distance). It refers to several distinct concepts: The flying squirrel concept of Rocky of "Rocky And Bullwinkle" meets the conceptual Amelia Earnhardt of flying rodents; which, in turn, meets the concept of the ultimate urban Artillery System and Firing Solution. This produces the most unique Call For Fire on any most out of the ordinary Target in the world. NOTE:(Do NOT attempt this as it is both strongly not recommended, and because of the extremely hazardous danger to one's personal safety. This is something which only an expert or professional can somewhat successfully accomplish. Additionally, it is an animal rights violation to harm an animal, and particularly in the interest of creativity or science. Please refer to ASPCA and PETA guidelines of pet care. Please see Mythbusters for more information.)
Biddy pulled a Little Amelia on himself with his hamster, Charlie.
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