(a) The sexual interaction between couples ending in orgasm immediately AFTER any prior event that substantially delays the originally planned or wanted time for that sexual interaction.
(a) Terry and Holly had intense waitsex after settling the baby back to sleep for the 3 time in an hour. (b) Adam & Steve had window-fogging waitsex in the back of Steve's car after the cop took his time leaving lover's lane.
by WilltheGearhead November 24, 2014
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(a) The sexual interaction between couples ending in orgasm immediately AFTER any prior event that substantially delays the originally planned or wanted time for that sexual interaction.
(a) Terry and Holly had intense waitsex after settling the baby back to sleep for the 3 time in an hour. (b) Adam & Steve had window-fogging waitsex in the back of Steve's car after the cop took his time leaving lover's lane.
by WilltheGearhead November 23, 2014
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