A sporty girl that aims high and is full of ambitions, she will usually be shy at first but that will all change once you get to know her!
"That's Doruntina, she'll be playing for the team today"
by TheUrbanWords May 21, 2014
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An annoying, always angry never happy girl.
Dard: That's Doruntina!
Nicha: Omg the angry girl!
Nori: Hahah!
by Miyuuph March 11, 2016
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The most beautiful girl in the world. Once you first meet her she is very shy but once you get to know her she is very out going and loving she gets very hangry sometimes when you don’t feed her on time but as long as you feed her and let her sleep she will be the happiest girl in the world Doruntina is the sexiest girl in every friend group although she is very shy and very caring about everyone wow i love Doruntina
Did you see that girl she is such a Doruntina her name has to be doruntina since she’s sooooo perfect man i wish i was her
by Tina.u1 June 12, 2022
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