The term Swagnaut was originally coined on twitter to describe people that will act like Swaggots to essentially highlight how stupid the entire concept of 'swag' is. This can be done in real life or on the web. People who consider themselves to be 'Swagnauts' will often use terms like #swag or #yolo sometimes even going as far as #yoloswag420blazeitfggtnickiminajlilwayne in situations that do not call for it.
Swagnaut 1: "hey man lets take a picture of my lunch and put a crappy filter on it"
Swagnaut 2: "sure ,lets see how many people are retarded enough to like it"

A few minutes later..

Swagnaut 1: "haha some stupid fucks are liking it already"
Swagnaut 2: "dude you're such a swagnaut"
Swagnaut 1: "well you know what they say, #yoloswag420blazeitfggtnickiminajlilwayne"
by Antiswaggot July 26, 2013
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