Norwegian short word for a person who supports the Norwegian right-wing populist Progress Party (Fremskrittspartiet).

The Norwegian equivalent to a redneck. Freppers are loud and ignorant, with no interest or understanding of serious politics. As long as they get cheap alcohol and someone does "sumthin abutt them muslims", they couldn't care less.
Frepper: "Throw out them muslims! Lower the taxes, raise government spending, give us cheap beer! Durr."
by Ankala August 13, 2011
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A norewgian short word for a person that supports the politicial bourgeois party FrP or Fremskrittspartiet. It's the opposit of the voters of the norwegian labor party Ap or Arbeiderpartiet.

A frepper is a person that supports sosial development, politician transparity and the dissapearing of non-lying politicians such as Ap-politicians. A freppper stands for freedom for the land and for the people. Stuff that Ap-voters seldom understand.
by Fellow2011 May 19, 2011
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