The site formally known as Encyclopedia Dramatica. It used to be a satirical site filled with shock humor until the creator copped out and made it SFW, losing everybody's respect. Greed does wonders to certain people.
/b/tard: This was the worst fucking idea ever.
Casual fag: Relax guys, OhInternet is the best.
/b/tard: Ugh, you new fags are ruining the internet
by ihatepigs757 April 16, 2011
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Joe: Hey Bill, are you on Encyclopedia Dramatica?

Bill: Nah, it keeps sending me to this gay sellout page called "ohinternet."
by SirPancake April 19, 2011
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The gay piece of shit site that replaced Encyclopedia Dramatica. It is full of unfunny, moralfag induced articles. However, the old ED lives on as the domain
Fuck ohinternet and it's "streamlined, SFW" content. ED was MOAR FUN.
by E(0)3 April 27, 2011
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A website founded by the makers of Encyclopedia Dramatica. However, this was founded on the principal of making Jew gold rather than lulz. It is entirely politically correct, unlike the humorous racism once prevalent in ED.

Fuck off Girlvinyl
by Meepsheep April 24, 2011
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